March 22 (Saturday)
Spring party
From 12:00 to 16:00 we will meet on the sun terrace at the Panorama Restaurant Kammerkör next to the Triassic Park.
Hubsi Bubsi & Irene are looking forward to seeing you!
The program includes:
- Wheel of fortune with great prizes (net proceeds for Red Noses Clowndoctors)
- Big polonaise and face painting
- Visit from mascot Triassi
- Children's dishes & dino cookie bakery
- DJ Lumpi provides the music
- Highlight: Soap bubble show
Die Kinderbetreuung ist an diesem Festtag nicht geöffnet.
Für weitere Fragen bitte direkt mit Irene Kontakt aufnehmen:
+43 (0)650 / 74 29 850 oder per Mail an