15 years of Triassic Park: augmented reality and water fun on the Steinplatte to mark the anniversary
Even more dino-tastic attractions!
New in 2023: Augmented reality puzzles for dinosaur detectives!
Attention dinosaur seekers! This summer, you can bring prehistoric times back to life yourself - without a lab, just with your cell phone! Cool puzzle fun, perfect for older children: equipped with a digital magnifying glass, puzzle experts can find three prehistoric dinosaurs hidden in Triassic Park. Using the latest augmented reality technology, you can bring the dinosaurs of 200 million years ago directly into the present with your own cell phone camera. Even experienced dinosaur experts have never seen this before and are amazed when the prehistoric inhabitants walk across the stone slab through the camera lens as they did a very, very long time ago. Whoever finds all the hidden prehistoric inhabitants and cracks the secret code word also takes home a medal with a dino engraving and becomes a certified dino expert.
Neu 2023: die Triassic Wasserspiele
Nach so vielen dino-tastischen Rätseln braucht jeder noch so schlaue Forscher eine Pause. Umso besser, dass das eigene Mini-Urmeer auf der Steinplatte nun um die „Triassic Wasserspiele“ reicher ist. Ein brandneuer Spielplatz mit einem spannenden Wasserlauf sorgt für die notwendige Abkühlung an einem urzeitlichen Ausflugstag. Und für Saurier-Superfans gibt’s auch etwas Neues zu bestaunen, denn zur 30 Meter langen Riesen-Dino-Röhrenrutsche hat sich ein weiterer Saurier gesellt. Der höchste Sandstrand der Alpen – der „Triassic Beach“ – lädt gewohnt fein zum Entspannen oder Graben ein. Fossilien-Forscher sollten bei der Suche im Sand die Augen offenhalten – hier liegt so mancher Schatz verbuddelt. Für Dino-Fans und die die es noch werden wollen, gibt es also noch viel zu entdecken.
After so many dino-tastic puzzles, every clever explorer needs a break. All the better that the “Triassic water games” have now been added to the Steinplatte's own mini primeval sea. A brand new playground with an exciting watercourse provides the necessary cooling on a primeval day out. And for dinosaur superfans, there's also something new to marvel at, as the 30-metre-long giant dinosaur tube slide has been joined by another dinosaur. The highest sandy beach in the Alps - the “Triassic Beach” - invites you to relax or dig. Fossil researchers should keep their eyes open when searching in the sand - many a treasure lies buried here. For dinosaur fans and those who want to become one, there is still plenty to discover.